What are visible signs of anorexia?

The people closest to you are the ones who know you best: parents, children, spouses and your closest friends. They know the moods, habits, likes and dislikes of a person, etc. However, it is unlikely that the people closest to you are doctors or specialists in eating disorders, and they are likely not aware of the early symptoms of anorexia nervosa, which could indicate that the first steps towards treating anorexia nervosa are needed. If you Google the term “symptoms of anorexia nervosa”, there will be a lot of photos of thin young women, mostly white, with ribs in sight, etc.

While that is a very visible symptom of the disorder, it is far from being the only one. Malnutrition and emaciation are the result of a long-term disorder or an extremely serious one. Everyone gets tired sometimes, even young adults who are brimming with youthful energy. It makes a certain sense: it takes a lot of energy to go from a child to an adult, and teenagers and young adults definitely need sleep.

There are other factors that can also cause fatigue. On the one hand, athletics and other extracurricular activities can be demanding. Often, this fusion of strenuous activities can lead to a decrease in sleep and an increase in general fatigue. During this period, the body of a teenage girl or boy often needs more sleep due to hormonal and developmental changes.

Despite this need, research has found that most teens don't get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep per night. With this type of pressure, it is no wonder that these years often bring increased tiredness and fatigue. However, another reason for such fatigue may be lack of caloric intake. As you probably know, calories act as fuel for our body; we need them to keep our brains working and our hearts beating.

Anorexia nervosa is, by definition, a pattern of behavior that restricts caloric intake and, therefore, decreases the amount of fuel the body ingests. If you notice that your loved one is constantly showing fatigue (especially if you notice that he eats too little), it may be a clear warning sign that anorexia nervosa is developing. But for parents and other loved ones who suspect that there may be a problem with an eating disorder, any reports of constipation or abdominal pain should be closely watched. Since they are common symptoms of anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders, they may warrant closer observation by immediate family members and medical professionals.

Teens and young adults need extended periods of sleep, more than older adults, because of the rapid mental and physical growth they experience during this time. Adolescence, ironically, can often provoke episodes of insomnia. In fact, for many people in this age group, this is the first time they have to deal with the inability to sleep despite needing it and wanting to do it. While insomnia or general insomnia may present as a normal part of adolescent development, it is also a common side effect of caloric restriction and other disordered behaviors associated with anorexia nervosa.

This makes insomnia a subtle indicator of a larger problem that is difficult to detect. If parents or loved ones of a young adult notice a sudden onset of insomnia along with other signs of anorexia nervosa, it is advisable to analyze the situation in more depth. While any of the symptoms may be harmless, they could be indicators that there is more at stake than an attack of insomnia or a preference for loose-fitting clothing. Certainly, when there are two or more of these signs, an appointment with an expert who can make a more correct diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or another eating disorder is warranted.

Some eating disorders are related to body image and weight or to the need to feel like they are in control. For these disorders, signs include restricted food intake, extreme fear of gaining weight, and physical symptoms such as weight changes or tiredness. The progression of anorexia can cause many changes and affect virtually every organ in the body. Symptoms may include fatigue, constipation, feeling cold, brittle hair, and dry skin.

If the person weighs less than 85 percent of their ideal body weight and has other signs characteristic of an eating disorder, they may be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. The presence of any of the signs that your loved one may be struggling is of great concern and should encourage him or her to seek professional help. Because of the avoidance eating feature of anorexia nervosa, there is a lack of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to maintain good health. It is also unlikely that someone, with eating disorder or not, will talk openly about their intestines and, of course, this sign could also be an indication of many other medical conditions.

One study showed that weight suppression had significant links to weight, bodily concerns, excessive exercise, food restriction, and the use of weight-management medications (5). Other eating rituals, such as cutting food into small pieces, chewing excessively, or using a lot of condiments can also indicate eating disorder. Another change in the skin that is a telltale sign of bulimia, specifically, is the appearance of calluses on the knuckles. One of the most notable physical signs of an eating disorder is a fluctuation in weight, either up or down.

Apart from obvious fluctuations in weight, both up and down, there are more subtle physical signs that can accompany eating disorders. The dedication to eating nutritious foods is admirable, but if someone you know begins to classify foods as good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, safe or unsafe, and is constantly looking for organic and low-fat dietary foods, you frequently visit websites focused on nutrition or suddenly declare who is vegetarian or vegan, this, along with other behaviors, could be a sign that they need help. Warning signs of poor body image include negative self-talk (I'm so fat I don't have self-control) and misinterpretation of other people's comments. Nowadays, there is enormous pressure on girls and young women to look a certain way, but when they are willing to risk their health to achieve an unhealthy standard, resorting to laxatives, diuretics or diet pills, that may be a sign that they need help.

This can be due to a number of factors and serve any number of purposes, but whatever the reason behind the eating disorder, these actions are harmful and can lead to significant functional impairment, even leading to death in extreme cases. . .

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