What are short term health risks of anorexia?

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the short-term side effects of anorexia listed above, I urge you to contact you. Seeking treatment for anorexia early will increase your chances of recovery and reduce the risk of more serious side effects, which we'll discuss in the next section. Anorexia can cause several short- and long-term effects. Short-term health risks include weight loss, gastrointestinal discomfort, fatigue, dehydration, and hair loss, among others.

COMMON HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF EATING DISORDERS. Anorexia, also called anorexia nervosa, is a serious eating disorder that causes a strong fear of gaining weight. People with anorexia avoid eating and may exercise excessively to control their weight and body image. This intense fear causes them to severely limit their food intake to the point of starving to death.

Osteoporosis and other early bone diseases cause bones to become brittle, significantly increasing the risk of fractures, as well as causing spinal problems and body weakness. If left untreated, people with this eating disorder may experience long-term health risks. Serious weight loss can cause a number of other serious health risks that can be life-threatening. Brenda points out that her journey from anorexia to a healthy body, mind and spirit had its ups and downs, but she pledged to make her health a constant priority.

In addition, there are also some more serious health risks that can occur, especially if anorexia is left untreated for a longer period of time. Fetuses in the womb and some newborns also have this type of body hair, but if it occurs after 6 months of age, it's a clear indicator of prolonged starvation. Fortunately, this disorder is treatable and many, if not all, of the negative health effects can be reversed with proper care. The mental health community takes anorexia nervosa very seriously because the damage it causes extends to almost every part of the body.

Without these nutrients, you'll have trouble concentrating, numbness and tingling as your nerves lose protection, your muscles contract, and you're at risk of having seizures. If a woman with anorexia becomes pregnant before regaining her weight, she is at greater risk of having a miscarriage, a C-section delivery, and a baby with low birth weight or birth defects. People with anorexia usually have a low level of red blood cells, which can cause fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, and a fast heart rate, all signs of anemia. Long-term dehydration can cause serious electrolyte imbalances that can affect heart, kidney, and brain health.

If you have specific questions about your health needs or those of a loved one, seek help from a health professional. In short, these findings underscore the seriousness and public health importance of all types of eating disorders. Amy Boyers, a clinical psychologist from Miami who specializes in the treatment of eating disorders (of all types) and other serious and long-term mental health conditions, such as addictions, treatment of bipolar disorder and OCD. Anorexia nervosa is listed in the DSM-V as an officially recognized mental health disorder, but it can cause psychological distress in other ways, including the occurrence of co-occurring disorders.

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